Thursday, February 4, 2010

Grudge Much?


Who are they to criticize? They who are so afraid of individuality that the only way to tell them apart is by the colors they wear! How DARE they mock me! It’s their own fault, you know. If they weren’t so boring, so namby pamby…so meh, I wouldn’t have to bring my spinning wheel with me to their sucky parties! I’ll show them Diablo. I’ll show them all! Rue, I say! Mwahahahahahhahahaaa!


Ms. Meanie, December,Maleficent, is one Mean Girl we fiber freaks can get behind. Using a spinning wheel to exact her revenge...brilliant! I guess those 3 little goody-two-shoes should have made sure she was invited to the party, huh? And with that preamble, I give you...

Aurora’s HOARealis
MGYC-Dec 2009
560 yards light-fingering 100% Merino goodness;


Chocolate nom hand made at Casa de La (aka my kitchen)

The whole packages was further enhanced by an awesome cupcake of super-exclusive perfume oil from Happy Housewife Soaps and Sundries, custom-blended by none other than Ms. Violet herself. (yes, I kept the extras...what of it?).

I don't know about anyone else, but I can't WAIT to see what February will bring. Oh, wait. It IS February...